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SESSION: Background
. Importance of evidence-based medicine in translating research from
bench to beside - Dr. Jack Cuzick (England) *
. Epidemiological evidence for the role of HPV infection in cervical
cancer - Dr. F. Xavier Bosch (Spain) *
. Molecular evidence for the role of HPV infection in cervical cancer
- Dr. Bernard Hans Ulrich *
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SESSION: Background
. Environmental co-factors in HPV carcinogenesis
- Dr. Xavier Castellsagué (Spain) *
. What"s after bethesda - Dr. Robert Kurman (USA) *
. Evidence - based medicine: cervical cancer
- Dr. Henry Kitchener (England) *
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SESSION: External Anogenital Pathology
. Natural history of HGSIL - Dr. Thomas Cox (USA) *
. Vulvar HPV associated lesions: treatment strategies
- Dr. Joseph Monsonego (France) *
. Vulvar, penile and anal biopsies: when, how, where and why?
- Dr. Joel Palefsky (USA) *
. Treatment of recurrent anogenital condylomata
- Dr. Geo von Krogh (Sweden) *
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SESSION: Diagnosis of HPV Infection
. Critical view on morphological methods to assess HPV infections
- Dr. Mark Sherman (USA) *
. Reliability of molecular techniques to diagnose HPV infection
- Dra. Luisa Villa *
. Is there any evidence for the utility of serology in clinical practice?
- Dr. John Schiller (USA) *
. What is the risk of cervical cancer development in HPV - Positive
asymptomatic women? - Dra. Laura Koutsky (USA) *
. HPV infection in HIV-Positive women - Dra. Silivia de Sanjosé (Spain)*
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SESSION: Management of Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial
Lesions (LGSIL)
. Natural history of LGSIL - Dr. Ralph Richart (USA) *
. Evidence of benefits for systematic treatment of LGSIL?
- Dr. Gustavo Amestoy (Argentina) *
. Management of LGSIL in pregnant women - Dr. Daron Ferris (USA) *
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SESSION: Management of High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial
Lesions (HGSIL)
. Is there any hole for systematic vulvoscopy and penescopy?
- Dr. Alex Ferenczy (Canadá) *
. What is the best treatment method for HGSIL?
- Dr. W. B. Harer Jr. (USA) *
. Cone margins and ECC: Are they important?
- Dr. Alex Ferenczy (Canadá) *
. Evidence of benefit for the see-and-treat approach
- Dr. Thomas Wright (USA) *
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SESSION: Screening Strategies Against Cervical Cancer
. Evidence of benefit for cancer screening methods in general: cervix
vs. other sites - Dr. Eduardo Franco (Canada) *
. Evidence for the efficacy of cytologic screening and quality
assurance - Dra. Euphemia McGoogan (Scotland) *
. Evidence for the utility of colposcopy and related methods as
screening and diagnostic tests - Dr. Daron Ferris (USA) *
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SESSION: New Approaches in the Prevention of Cervical Cancer:
The Public Perspective
. Role of WHO in HPV vaccine development
- Dra. M. Teresa Aguado (Switzerland) *
. Preparation for phase IV vaccine trials in Asia
- Dra. Silvia Franceschi (France) *
. Setting up screening services in low resource setting
- Dra. Lynette Denny (South Africa) *
. The ideal HPV test for developing countries - Dr. John Sellors (USA) *
. Quality assurance in screening strategies
- Dr. Anthony Miller (Germany) *
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SESSION: Control of HPV Replication and Transcription
. Invited lecture: gene expression of genital human papillomaviruses
- Dr. Hans-Ulrich Bernard (Singapore) *
. Human TATA binding protein inhibits human papillomavirus-11 E1
Protein from binding the viral origin: a mechanism for coordinated
control of replication and transcription - Dr. Kelly Hartley (USA) *
. Identification of critical residues for E1 - DNA interaction
- Dr. Van Wilson (USA) *
. Effects of viral and cellular proteins on HPV origin DNA unwinding by
HPV-11 E1 - Dr. Louise Chow *
. Segregation function of the papillomavirus E2 protein
- Dr. Alison McBride *
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SESSION: Health Politics in Developing Countries
. Cervical cancer screening in Brazil
- Dr. Evan Myers * - Dr. L. C. Thuler *
. Bringing about change: policy development for cervical cancer
prevention in low-resource countries - Dra. Jennifer Winkler (USA) *
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SESSION: New Approaches in the Prevention of Cervical Cancer -
Vaccines Development
. Persistence of HPV16 antibodies after immunization with HPV16 L1
virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines - Dra. Laura A. Koutsky (USA) *
. A dose-ranging study of the safety and immunogenicity profiles of a
quadrivalent HPV (types 6, 11, 16, and 18) L1 VLP candidate vaccine
in young healthy women - Dr. Darron R. Brown (USA) *
. Antibody responses in cervical secretions of female volunteers after
intramuscular vaccination with purified HPV16 VLPs - Dr John Schiller*
. Priming of human papillomavirus type 11-Specific humoral and cellular
immune responses in college-aged women with a virus-like particle
vaccine - Dra. Rebecca T. Emeny *
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SESSION: Clinical Diagnosis and Screening
. A prospective study on Hybrid-Capture II negative CIN III / invasive
cervical cancer. How common is it and what is behind it?
- Dr. K. Ulrich Petry (Germany) *
. Primary versus triage based HPV detection in combination with thin
layer cytology: a randomised trial - Dr. Marc Arbyn (Belgium) *
. Hybrid capture in the detection of HPV-DNA in male sexual partners
of women with genital infection. Final results - Dr. Sérgio M. Nicolau *
. Evaluation of different methods of cervical cancer screening:
proposal of a new screening method for diagnosis and control
- Dr. Paulo Naud *
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SESSION: Tumor Markers. Genetic Susceptibility
. Interaction between polymorphism of the human leukocyte antigen
and HPV-16 variants on the risk of invasive cervical cancer
- Dra. Patricia S. A. Souza *
. Correlation of p16ink4a immunostaining in cervical smears and
biopsies of patients with CIN 2/3 - Dr Markus T Gehmacher (Germany)*
. Risk of invasive cervical cancer associated with polymorphic HLA
DR/DQ haplotypes - Dr. Mehran Ghaderi (Sweden) *
. TP53 polymorphism of exon 4 at codon 72 in cutaneous squamous
cell carcinoma and benign epithelial lesions of renal transplant
recipients and immunocompetent individuals
- Dr. Olivier Humbey (France) *
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SESSION: Prognostic Factors and New Therapeutic Approaches
to Cervical Cancer
. Invited lecture: prognostic factors and new therapeutic approaches
to cervical cancer - Dra. Margaret Stanley (UK) *
. Effect of the male sexual partner evaluation in the relapses risk in
women treated for a HPV-Induced genital lesions - Dr. Julio C. Teixeira*
. The value of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) detection in
high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HGSIL) patients after
treatment - Dr. Gustavo M. Amestoy (Argentina) *
. Virus-specific treatment of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16-
infected cells using the herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase
(HSV1-TK) gene - Dra. Neerja Sethi (USA) *
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SESSION: Epidemiology
. Invited lecture: the role of HPV and cofactors in cervical cancer: the
IARC studies - Dra. Nubia Muñoz (France) *
. Stressful life events and risk of HR-HPV persistence
- Dr. Ann Coker (USA) *
. HPV viral load differences in cases and controls: self-collected vs.
clinician collected exfoliated cell specimens
- Dra. Yvonne Flores (Mexico) *
. HPV16-DNA in tonsillar carcinomas-quantification of the viral load in
primary tumor and metastic sites - Dr. Herbert J. Pfister (Germany) *
. Measuring HPV-related quality of life: challenges for the future
- Dr. T. Christopher Mast (USA) *
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SESSION: Epidemiology (Natural History)
. Invited lecture: the natural history of cervical HPV infection and
neoplasia - Dr. Julian Peto (UK) *
. Incidence and persistence of HPV infection in young Danish men. A
prospective follow-up study - Dra. Susanne K. Kjaer (Denmark) *
. Cumulative diagnosis of high-grade lesions associated with type -
specific HPV in Guanacaste, Costa Rica - Dr. Robert D. Burk (USA) *
. Detection of integrated papillomavirus oncogene transcripts as clonal
marker for high-grade anogenital dysplasia and emerging cancer cells
- Dr. Nicolas Wentzensen (Germany) *
. The diagnostic and prognostic value of a single baseline HPV DNA
test for CIN 3+ in a 10-year prospective study - Dr. P. E. Castle (USA) *
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SESSION: Immunology of HPV Infections
. Invited lecture:natural t cell response against HPV16 and development
of optimal peptide based vaccine - Dr. C. Melief (Netherlands) *
. Interaction of HPV 11 E7 protein with TAP-1 results in a reduction of
ATP dependent peptide transport - Dra. Andrea Vambutas (USA) *
. Valine at position 86 of the HLA-DRBeta chain is associated with a
lower risk for HPV positivity and persistence - Dr. Paulo Maciag *
. Imiquimod strongly inhibits angiogenesis induced by transformed
human keratinocytes harboring HPV16 DNA - Dr. Slawomir Majewski *
. Natural history of cell-mediated and humoral immune responses to
HPV16 in women with HPV16 infection but without evidence of HSIL
- Dra. Mayumi Nakagawa (USA) *
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SESSION: Genomic Instability in HPV - Associated Lesions
Alternative fates of keratinocytes transduced by human papillomavirus
type 18 E7 during squamous differentiation - Dr Thomas Broker (USA)*
. Characterization of viral-cellular fusion transcripts in HPV16 and
HPV18 positive primary cervical carcinoma samples
- Dr. Nicolas Wentzensen (Germany) *
. Gain of chromosome arm 5p: a recurrent late cytogenetic event in
HPV16 and HPV18 expressing cell lines - Dra. Sally E. Dowen (UK) *
. Integrity of the E2 human papilloma virus 16 viral gene in cervical
preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions - Dr. Sergio A. Tonon *
. Changes in the host cell genome and transcriptome associated with
integration of HPV16 in cervical keratinocytes - Dr. William Alazawi *
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SESSION: Epidemiology (Prevention)
. Invited lecture: pernicious papillomavirus infection - What makes it
pernicious? - Dr. Robert Burk (USA) *
. HPV16/18 infection prevalence in women screened for a prophylactic
vaccine study in Brazil and North America - Dr. Bruce L. Innis (USA) *
. HPV DNA detection in urine specimens from HIV-Women
- Dra. Joeli A. Brinkman (USA) *
. Human papillomavirus detection for cervical cancer prevention using
polymerase chain reaction in self-collected samples
- Dr. Felipe Lorenzato *
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SESSION: Cell Immortalization and Transformation By Papillomaviruses
. Invited lecture - Dr. Peter Howley (USA) *
. P53-independent activities of the HPV-16 E6 oncogene in
carcinogenesis: transgenic animals studies - Dr. Paul Lambert (USA) *
. Induction of telomerase by the HPV 16 E6 oncoprotein
- Dra. Denise A. Galloway (USA) *
. TNF-alpha differentially affects NF-KappaB activation and cell cycle
regulatory genes expression in normal and HPV-Immortalized or
transformed human keratinocytes - Dr. Enrique Boccardo *
. Resistance to TNF-alpha mediated cell proliferation Arrest/DNA
synthesis inhibition by HPV-18 oncoproteins in organotypic cultures of
primary human keratinocytes - Dr. Enrique Boccardo *
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SESSION: Risk Factors and Cofactors in HPV - Associated
. DRB1 alleles are associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer
- Dra. Margaret M. Madeleine (USA) *
. The role of cervicitis in the development of high grade cervical lesions
prospective cohort data - Dr. R. Ayesha Ali (USA) *
. Polymorphism of the human leukocyte antigen DRB1 and DQB1 genes
plays a role in the natural history of human papillomavirus infection
- Dr. Paulo C. Maciag *
. Extensive HPV-type diversity and increased viral load for six high risk
HPV types in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients
- Dr. Sönke J. Weissenborn (Germany) *
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SESSION: Immunology II
. Comprehensive analysis of antibody response to HPV early proteins
- Dr. Michael Pawlita (Germany) *
. Serum antibody to HPV16 virus-like particles in HIV-1 positive and
high risk negative women - Dr. Raphael Viscidi (USA) *
. Impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in HIV-seropositive women
- Dra. Isabelle Heard (France) *
. Minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, cyclin B1 and D1,
phospho-histone H3 and in situ DNA replication for biological analysis
of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia - Dr. Peter Stern (England) *
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SESSION: Papillomaviruses Pathogenesis: Animal Models
. Invited lecture: animal papillomaviruses: agents of diseases and
models for human infections - Dra. M. Saveria Campo (Scotland) *
. Production of papillomas in cottontail and domestic rabbits using
CRPV knockout mutants reveals an essential role for E4 in viral
replication and capsid synthesis - Dr. John Doorbar (UK) *
. Identification of cellular genes upregulated during the progression of
CRPV-induced tumors in New Zealand White rabbits
- Dra. Evamaria Huber (Germany) *
. Intraepithelial immunisation with COPV E2, or E7 genes by PMID
confers partial protection against mucosal challenge with infectious
COPV in beagles - Dr. Richard Moore (UK) *
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SESSION: HPV DNA Variability
. Invited lecture: HPV variants and risk of cervical cancer
- Dr. Ingo Nindl (Germany) *
. Sequence variations of the E6 oncogene but not of the long control
region in European human papillomavirus type 16 isolates are
associated with cervical disease status-Dr Ingeborg Zehbe(Germany)*
. Association between human papillomavirus 16 E6 polymorphisms and
HLA class II haplotypes in cervical cancer
- Dr. Ingeborg Zehbe (Germany) *
. Diverse Distribution of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E6 Variants in
Cervical Carcinomas and Normal Cervical Specimens from brazilian
women - Dra. Laura Sichero *
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SESSION: Viral Host Interactions
. Identification of a cellular receptor for papillomavirus and analysis of
the infectivity pathway - Dra. Patricia Day (USA) *
. Cellular localization of human papillomavirus E6 proteins in the
presence and absence of p53 and DLG
- Dra. Deborah Stewart (Canada) *
. E6 and E7 functions in the viral life cycle of low-risk HPV-11
- Dr. Stephen T. Oh (USA) *
. Distinct gene expression patterns in HPV 16-Harboring invasive
cervical carcinomas - Dr. Carl C. Baker (USA) *
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SESSION: Health Economics and Psychosocial Aspects of HPV
- Dr. David Jenkins (England) *
A Model-based Exploration of the Policy Implications of Variability in
Screening Test Sensitivity - Dr. Evan Myers (USA) *
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SESSION: Papillomavirus Protein Functions
. The role of E5 in the HPV31 life cycle - Dr. Frauke Fehrmann (USA) *
. Characterizing the role of the E5 protein in the HPV-16 life cycer
- Dr. Sybie M. Genther *
. Genetic analysis of HPV16 E6 in transient and stable viral replication
- Dr. Elliot J. Androphy (USA) *
. HPV16 E1^E4 arrests E6/E7-expressing cells in G2 By sequestering
the mitosis promoting complex onto the cytoplasmic keratin network
- Dr. John Doorbar (UK) *
. HPV E7 synthetic peptides promote CDK2/cyclin a histone H1 kinase
activity - Dr. Chris Fisher (USA) *
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SESSION: Clinical Diagnosis and Screening II
. Biological evidence that human papillomaviruses are etiologically
involved in a subgroup of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
- Dr. Peter J. F. Snijders (Netherlands) *
. Low oncogenic potential of HPV 53 examined in patients with normal
cytology, condylomata acuminata, cin, and cervical cancer
- Dr. Ingo Nindl (Germany) *
. A new method for the detection and genotyping of human
papillomavirus: HPV DNA chip - Dr. Jeongmi K Jeong (Korea) *
. HPV 16 viral load determined by Q-PCR as a diagnostic tool for
cervical lesions - Dr. Chu Tang-Yuan (Taiwan) *
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SESSION: Risk Factors and Cofactors in HPV - Associated
Carcinogenesis II
. HPV18 variants are associated with decreased risk of CIN2/3 &
cervical cancer - Dr. Robert D. Burk (USA) *
. Herpes simplex virus-2 as an HPV cofactor in the etiology of invasive
cervical cancer: a pooled analysis of seven countries
- Dra. Jennifer S. Smith (France) *
. Herpes simplex virus is not associated with cervical cancer: a
longitudinal, HPV-adjusted, nested case-control study
- Dr. Matti Lehtinen (Finland) *
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SESSION: Cutaneous Papillomavirus
. HPV5 VLPs stimulate production of interferon gamma by t cells from
patients with psoriasis but not from patients with epidermodysplasia
verruciformis - Dr. Slawomir Majewski (Poland) *
. Potencial role of HPV38 in development of non melanoma skin
cancers - Dra. Sandra Caldeira (Germany) *
. Biochemical activities and functional domains of the E1 replication
initiation protein of the cutaneous human papillomavirus type 1
- Dr. Saleem A. Khan (USA) *
. HPV in psoriasis: prevalence in psoriasis families, serology and the
role of viral load - Dr. Sönke Weissenborn (Germany) *
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SESSION: Sumary Session
. Student´s Awards - Dra. Luisa Villa *
. Epidemiology - Dr. Allan Hildesheim (USA) *
. Biology - Dr. Hans-Ulrich Bernard (Singapore) *
. Immunology - Dr. Martin Kast (USA) *
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Evidence for the efficacy of direct visual inspection of the cervix with
acetic acid (via) in cervical cancer screening
- Dr. Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan (France) *
. The role of HPV testing in clinical practice: What is the outlook?
- Dr. Anthony Miller (Germany) * - Dr. Jack Cuzick (England) *
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Farewell Dinner and Party